Master Key System Exercise 13 : Concentration 03 : Part of the Whole

Practical Exercise From Week Thirteen

26. We can best conserve our interests by recognizing the Infinite Power and Infinite Wisdom of the Universal Mind, and in this way become a channel whereby the Infinite can bring about the realization of our desire.

This means that recognition brings about realization, therefore for your exercise this week make use of the principle, recognize the fact that you are a part of the whole, and that a part must be the same in kind and quality as the whole; the only difference there can possibly by, is in degree.

27. When this tremendous fact begins to permeate your consciousness, when you really come into a realization of the fact that you (not your body, but the Ego), the "I," the spirit which thinks is an integral part of the great whole, that it is the same in substance, in quality, in kind, that the Creator could create nothing different from Himself, you will also be able to say, "The Father and I are one" and you will come into an understanding of the beauty, the grandeur, the transcendental opportunities which have been placed at your disposal.

Note: To do this exercise, go to the same room, take the same chair, the same position as previously; be sure to relax, let go, both mentally and physically; 

Always, always, always do this first; never try to do any mental work under pressure; see that there are no tense muscles or nerves, that you are entirely comfortable.

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