Master Key System Exercise 16 : Concentration 06 : correct mental states

Practical Exercise From Week Sixteen
37. For your exercise this week, try to bring yourself to a realization of the important fact that harmony and happiness are states of consciousness and do not depend upon the possession of things. 

That things are effects and come as a consequence of correct mental states. So that if we desire material possession of any kind our chief concern should be to acquire the mental attitude which will bring about the result desired.

This mental attitude is brought about by a realization of our spiritual nature and our unity with the Universal Mind which is the substance of all things. This realization will bring about everything which is necessary for our complete enjoyment.

This is scientific or correct thinking. When we succeed in bringing about this mental attitude it is comparatively easy to realize our desire as an already accomplished fact; when we can do this we shall have found the "Truth" which makes us "free" from every lack or limitation of any kind.

Note: To do this exercise, go to the same room, take the same chair, the same position as previously; be sure to relax, let go, both mentally and physically; 

Always, always, always do this first; never try to do any mental work under pressure; see that there are no tense muscles or nerves, that you are entirely comfortable.

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