Healing Voice LLC | The <b>Power</b> of the <b>Subconscious Mind</b> |
- Healing Voice LLC | The <b>Power</b> of the <b>Subconscious Mind</b>
- Your <b>Subconscious Mind</b> Can Do Anything: How to Use Its <b>Power</b>
- The <b>Power</b> of the <b>Subconscious Mind</b> | Helen Shortland
- How The <b>Power</b> Of The <b>Subconscious Mind</b> Can Lead To More <b>...</b>
Healing Voice LLC | The <b>Power</b> of the <b>Subconscious Mind</b> Posted: 23 Jan 2014 11:55 AM PST It is really unfortunate that most primary education in the modern world does not involve knowing about the mind at all. If one looks at text books on Science and Biology or Health, they have vivid information on the various physical aspects of the human body and about the various animals and species. One learns about the skeletal, muscular, respiratory, cerebro-spinal, digestive and other systems in the wonder that is the human body. There are detailed descriptions on how nutrients get transformed into energy at the cellular level, cell divisions etc. If one looked carefully, there is not much information about the mind. There are references to the mental disorders – schizophrenia, paranoia, bipolar disorder etc. This does create a subliminal attitude towards the mind in those who go through this system of education – anything mental needs to be avoided. Then there is an exotic dark shroud is thrown over it as we grow into adults. No one wants to talk about their mental issues. One can lose her job. Or one might face exclusion. So people bottle up their mind-related issues and it begins to grow bigger in some. Almost 99.99% of my clients have no idea what the subconscious mind is and how it works. They have been conditioned into a belief that a problem is for someone else, an expert, to fix. If the car makes a strange noise, the mechanic knows what it is and he will fix it. If there is some pain, the doctor knows what it is and one just has to take the prescribed medicine and it is over. We like quick fixes where there is minimal effort on our part. What are the experts there for? But therein lies the problem. Mind related issues are our own problems that we have allowed to grow within ourselves and most people function with those issues until circumstances begin to amplify their effects. When they come to me, I spend considerable time explaining to them about what the subconscious mind is and how it works. It is important to educate oneself about how the mind works. Then, most issues can be nipped in the bud. Let me explain what the subconscious mind is in today's terms. To begin with, let me first explain what the process of hypnosis is. The word "Hypnosis" scares many people. They see the way it is portrayed in movies and sometimes in stage shows and it looks like a magic show where people are made to look like fools, "under the control" of the hypnotist. The word "Hypnosis" was used to denote an experience where a person undergoes trance and is able to experience a reality that is different from what is in the surroundings. In Greek, "Hypnosis" means sleep and this trance experience is far from sleep. It is a stage of extreme alertness where anything suggested in anyway is accepted. One does not need to be under a spell of a swinging pendulum for this. Trance is a very normal state of experience that we undergo most of the time. Trance takes us away from the present reality. If one sits in a coffee shop and relaxes, suddenly something can trigger a thought. It could be the settings, the color, the smell, or a person or a voice or a song going on in the background, or something outside. As soon as a thought gets triggered, sometimes we begin to get lost in the thought. If that thought is related to a past experience that we had, where were were deeply impacted, then we get lost in the thought even more. As we drift into the thought, our eyes become fixed. Our body becomes still. A friend across the table could be talking to us and we will hear none of it. Everything in the surrounding can completely disappear and we can be experiencing something that involves that thought. Our body language would change. Sometimes we might be expressing feelings arising out of that past experience. We are in a trance. Trance can happen automatically. Any time you imagine something and begin to experience it, you are in a trance. If you hear a song that brings you sweet memories, you start dancing for it and even humming the words. You might have gone back to the time where you were dancing with your friends at this concert where the world disappeared and all that existed was the most wonderful time that you ever had. The song that you heard is a suggestion that took you back in time instantaneously. Every experience where you drift away from the present moment is a hypnotic experience. Everything that you have learned, happened through hypnotic process. Everyone is fluent in speaking her mother-tongue. When someone speaks fluently, she is not searching for the next word or phrase. Feelings get expressed automatically and words come out like a torrent. Tonal changes and voice modulations happen to make the expression more realistic. Just go back to the time when you learned to speak for the first time. You probably do not even remember it. To remember it, you have to watch little children and see how they learn to speak. Then it gives an idea on how you learned to speak. It was one word at a time with a lot of physical gestures. You made a lot of mistakes. You could not say the words clearly. But over time, you were speaking much to the awe and admiration of your younger sibling who was just beginning to walk. Speech has become so automatic that you do not think about the next word. If I asked you to try learning Mandarin Chinese, well that is a new start and you might stumble and fumble over a period of time, until you master it. At some point, you will be able to think in it as well. But your accent will stick. No matter how much you try, the accent shows. Think of how you learned to bike or swim or ski or drive a car. It all started the same way. There were many stumbles and embarrassments. Now one does not think when doing any of these. The same with typing on your keyboard. You are not searching for the location of a letter on this strange QWERTY keyboard. You are looking at the screen and the fingers move to the letters automatically. You learned the whole thing through hypnotic process. Therefore, it is time to let go off this myth that hypnosis is some experience where you are being controlled by someone and made to do things that would make you cringe. This learning through the hypnotic process is also called as subliminal learning. It means you are not really aware that you are learning. You are absorbing all aspects of the learning that involves all your five senses and everything in the surrounding. Such a learning is thorough and complete. An important element in this type of learning is repetition. Anything repeated over and over again, will begin to stick. Your mind is like a blank canvas. You can paint anything on it and it will take shape. What you allow to be painted on to your mental canvas shapes your belief and your personality. However, many things slip through and become like scratches on this canvas because most of the time you are in a trance and are not aware of what goes through and sticks to this canvas. That is why philosophers and sages emphasize being in the present moment and avoiding the automatic trance where the mind drifts into the past or into the future, triggered by something in the surrounding. When we are not present in the current reality, we are vulnerable to slipping into a trance and sometimes can make things worse for ourselves. In summary we, the "normal" people, are always in a trance whether we like it or not. We are imagining all the time. Every memory from the past can only be imagined now, because anything that is not in the now is not real. So we recall past memories where we were the worst victims (of course) and begin to chew on them in the present moment. Or we sweat about something that can happen in the future and begin to experience the effects of it. This is called anxiety. Everything from the past or from the future, is pure imagination and nothing else. What was in the past might have been real, but it is no longer real now. When we imagine like this on a repeated basis, because we like the experience that goes with it (trust me, all of us love being victims – even those who victimize others), they change us from within and we become what we think repeatedly. We are not aware of this change that becomes visible to others. This is how our outlook, beliefs and approach towards life took shape. Some were induced by others and some by us. So when this trance experience goes on and it becomes strengthened, who is receiving its effect? That is where the subconscious mind comes in. Imagine an iceberg floating as you drift around in a boat. Imagine the frigid weather around. The visible part of the ice-berg can be misleading. More than 80 percent of it is under water. While negotiating one's way though floating icebergs, one has to be aware of the hidden part of the iceberg. Now let us compare your mind to the iceberg. What is visible is known as the conscious part of the mind. This is the part that becomes active when you become awake. Until you drift into sleep at night, it is awake. The conscious mind brings information all the time, from the surroundings, through the five senses. It also expresses everything in every way. It really makes you conscious of how you are relative to others. This part of the mind can be compared to the input and output devices associated with personal computers. We have the mouse, keyboard, camera and microphone that act as input devices. Then we have the speakers, monitor and printer that act as the output devices. Think of this. None of these devices can do anything on their own. They bring information and express output. That is all they are meant for. But the computer is not any of these. The real computer is hidden. It is built of complex electronic circuits, layouts and chips that one cannot make any sense out of. And they are pretty much useless unless the computer has two important aspects to go with it – memory and software. Memory stores all input and output information and the software really interacts with the input, the hardware and provides an output that the output device expresses. This part of the computer where the major work happens, that which mostly invisible to you, the operator, can be compared to the other part of the mind, namely, the subconscious mind. Mind is a single entity. One cannot separate the conscious and subconscious minds and see them apart. One will never know where one ends and the other one starts. But that is not important. We can still see the differences between them. Let me list those differences here. The conscious mind is active only when your five senses are active. That means when you are wide awake. The subconscious mind collects every information that is brought in and stores it. Every experience in your life is stored. Nothing is lost. The conscious mind judges. It is incapable of learning anything or doing anything other than to bring information and express information. If it is burdened with the tasks it is not meant for, it makes your life miserable. You might have heard people say, "I am trying to do XXXX" and they have difficulty doing it. This is because they are consciously trying to do it. Whenever you become conscious of something, you begin to struggle. In a moment of panic, when a bear is chasing your group of hikers, you run over a tight rope and reach the other side or you climb a vertical wall and climb to safety. Later on you wonder how you did it. That is because your conscious mind was focused on the chasing bear and your subconscious mind made you do things out of desperation you could not imagine. But if you become conscious of standing on a thin and narrow wire, you begin to lose balance right away, tumble and sway and drop off from it. That is because the conscious mind saw what you were doing and "tried" to make you balance. The conscious mind is not meant for such a purpose. It is an input-output device. But in today's world, too much reliance is emphasized on the conscious mind. Since it is incapable of remembering, we have begun to rely on external means to remember or calculate. We refer to digital clocks to see time. We no longer remember phone numbers because our smart phones have everything. If for any reason we lose our devices, we feel empty and worthless. The shock is profound. The subconscious mind on the other hand relies entirely on experience. It is remembering every instant of our life's experience. What we call as reality, the surroundings are merely triggers that the subconscious mind uses to bring the experiences to reality. So to the subconscious mind, there is only one reality – experience. Everything else does not matter. It does not know the difference between truth and false; it does not know the difference between past and the future; it does not know what is real or what is imagination and it does not know what is positive and what is negative. As a result, it does not judge anything. It simply experiences everything. By itself it is always in the present and experiencing it. It is incapable of resisting an experience that is triggered. So if the conscious mind is left idle, it simple cannot be idle. It triggers "screen savers" right away. The subconscious mind will respond to any trigger at any time. It will begin to experience what is triggered until it is interrupted by another conscious trigger. The subconscious mind is the part of the mind that really learns everything. When it has learned something, that learning is complete. When the learning is complete, it becomes so deeply ingrained in us that it becomes automatic. Everything we have learned in our lives has been through subliminal process involving the subconscious mind. If we teach it good things, it learns those values. If we feed it negativity, it takes it without any resistance. It cannot tell the difference. The conscious mind now interacts with the outside world through the filters of experience and belief that the subconscious mind has learned. Our bias, prejudice, preferences, beliefs, behaviors, disorders – everything is a filter through which we interact with the world. These filters distort the reality around us. If we have to learn anything right, we have to engage the conscious mind into it. We have to give it something to do. Otherwise it is going to start becoming restless and trigger a screen saver. And the subconscious mind responds to the screen saver with a corresponding experience, taking you into a trance immediately. When you are in a trance, your attention to what you are doing now is lost and you commit errors or forget commitments. Habits develop this way. It does not matter if a habit is desirable or undesirable. It develops through repetition of allowing the conscious mind to trigger a response from the subconscious mind and taking you away from the present. People who sit down to meditate can feel the restlessness of the conscious mind right away. Sometimes they may not even know how they got so deep into a thought while meditating. Initial practices of meditation need exercises to keep the conscious mind engaged. Since everything is an imagination to the subconscious mind, and since imagination can be edited at will, healing can be enable by editing one's imagination of past memories and their effects. This is what is done through hypnotherapy. Modern day hypnotherapy is no black magic. It is a very scientific approach to using the methods the mind uses to learn and making desired changes using those very methods. Hypnotherapy deals with the subconscious mind and it helps this part of the mind to alter the effects of any negative experience and helps a person come out of it easily and quickly. Through these paragraphs, I hope I have given a glimpse of how you have hypnotized yourself to be where you are. You are now able to look at yourself and sometimes heal yourself using simple methods – engaging the conscious mind, repetition and editing the contents of the undesirable memories. Imagine good and use its power to change anything that is limiting you. You are most welcome to email me with your responses and I will always respond. |
Your <b>Subconscious Mind</b> Can Do Anything: How to Use Its <b>Power</b> Posted: 17 Nov 2013 02:56 AM PST
Faith and belief are the foundation of the subconscious. Do not forget that "you will be rewarded according to your faith". A Protestant minister who suffered from lung cancer wrote about his methods of transferring thoughts of perfect health into his subconscious mind: "Two or three times a day, I put my body and soul in a relaxed state, repeating these words: "My feet are completely relaxed, my legs are relaxed. Right now my stomach muscles are relaxing. My heart is beating quietly, my breathing is calm and relaxed. My head is completely relaxed, my whole body is completely relaxed and calm." After about five minutes, when I got into a drowsy, sleepy state, I repeated: "The perfection of the God's plan finds its expression in me. My subconscious mind is filled with thoughts of that I have perfect health. My image is spotless before God." This priest managed to heal himself. Here are some brief recommendations to help you use your subconscious power for your best: 1. Your subconscious mind not only controls all the processes of the body, but also knows the answers to the various questions and can solve many problems. 2. Before going to bed, refer to your subconscious mind with any specific request and soon you will see its miraculous power in action. 3. Anything that is captured in your subconscious will directly affect you in the form of emotions, circumstances and events. Therefore, you need to watch closely what thoughts and ideas govern your mind. 4. All experiences arise from unfulfilled desires. If you are "fixated" on various issues and problems, thus will be the reaction of your subconscious mind. 5. When you have a specific goal or dream, consciously repeat this statement: "I believe that the power of the subconscious, which gave me this desire, will embody it in me now." 6. Stress, anxiety and fear can disrupt the natural rhythm of breathing, heart rate and work of any other part of the body. Cultivate in your subconscious mind thoughts of health, peace and harmony, and all the functions of the body will return to normal. 7. Fill your subconscious with expectations of the best experiences and emotions, and your thoughts will become a reality. 8. Imagine a positive outcome of your problems, fully feel the enthusiasm from what has happened. All your fantasies and feelings are clearly accepted by your subconscious and then implemented in life. |
The <b>Power</b> of the <b>Subconscious Mind</b> | Helen Shortland Posted: 02 Sep 2013 03:30 AM PDT Can you remember a time when you've completely over-reacted to something somebody said? It could have been an innocent remark but something about it pushed your buttons and led you to react in a way you know was unacceptable, even embarrassing? Yes, we've all been there, but why does it happen? The conscious mind thinks it is in control of our everyday lives but this is far from the case. Events and activity in the external world dominate our conscious mind. However most of our motivations, beliefs and emotions are unconscious, meaning that we are constantly being driven by unknown forces within us. So where do these emotions, beliefs and motivations come from? When we get upset as an adult, the real reason you are upset is nothing to do with the current situation. Present circumstances have triggered a painful memory; they are not the cause of the pain. As a child a lot of painful things happen to us that we do not have the words or emotional maturity to deal with. When emotions cannot be expressed, they are bottled up and suppressed. The unconscious mind is the receiving ground for this painful emotion. The adult may display anger, frustration, sadness or anxiety, but the initial encounter has been suppressed and buried so deeply that, in most cases, our conscious mind no longer even remembers it. The Effect on your Behaviour Today Those painful emotions of not being good enough, being blamed for something you didn't do, feeling responsible for something that wasn't your fault etc are so important to identify because they condition your behaviour today. These emotions are what drive you to act the way you do. So if, for example, you have an unconscious belief that you are a failure, then even if you do well at something and succeed in reaching a goal, instead of feeling happy about it, you will probably have a sense of disappointment that nothing seems to be really rewarding, but not know why that is. If people tell you that you are successful and you try to believe it, there are no positive beliefs to anchor it, only self-doubt and distrust. Instead of feeling pleased, you become self-critical and focus on the parts that could have been done better. The unconscious mind can always find evidence to support the negative beliefs it has acquired over the years! The Process of Change The way to move forward is to try and break the habit as soon as it starts to kick in. as soon as you go into self-criticizing mode, stop that thought. Ask yourself where that emotion, belief or thought came from. Usually it can be traced back to a series of humiliating and painful experiences that have undermined your faith in yourself. Ok, so you were told that you were stupid – but that is only one person's opinion and why is their opinion more valid than yours? After all, everyone has something to offer, regardless of ability. I think a large part of the problem is that a lot of these experiences come from parents, teachers, even older children at school, in other words the people we are taught to think of as our 'elders and betters' … but that doesn't mean they are always right, often far from it. This self-analysis is best done sitting quietly and meditating on the belief/emotion/thought and see what comes up from your subconscious mind when you allow it to do so. Eventually, over time, on an occasion when you find yourself thinking "Don't get your hopes up, that was just a fluke, it won't happen again", you will be able to realise that you are dealing with some past negative conditioning. First, acknowledge and feel that pain. Then say to yourself, "No, that critical statement was not true then and it is not true now. I did well and I deserve credit for it. I no longer want that old belief that I cannot succeed and I am letting it go now." I wish you well on your journey of change, self-discovery and transformation. Helen Shortland is a Reiki Master Teacher, Meditation Teacher and Holistic Therapist based at Little London Herbal Stores on Kings Walk in Nottingham city centre. For further information about her courses, workshops and therapies, please visit her website at http://helenshortland.com.
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How The <b>Power</b> Of The <b>Subconscious Mind</b> Can Lead To More <b>...</b> Posted: 22 Nov 2013 12:00 AM PST The Power of the subconscious mind...If you have ever wondered if the difference between the wealthy and the poor lies in something beyond upbringing, luck or opportunities, the answer is YES �" it is a hidden mental power that makes a difference between positive and negative mindsets, success and failure, fear and confidence. Source: http://bit.ly/1f5LU60 #Posted on Monday, 20 January 2014 at 11:23 AM |
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