Power of the Subconscious Mind HOW It Controls Your Life | Anik ...

<b>Power</b> of the <b>Subconscious Mind</b> HOW It Controls Your Life | Anik <b>...</b>

<b>Power</b> of the <b>Subconscious Mind</b> HOW It Controls Your Life | Anik <b>...</b>

Posted: 03 Mar 2014 01:46 AM PST

Conscious Mind vs. Subconscious Mind

I get a LOT of questions about this topic. Many don't understand what exactly the SUBCONSCIOUS mind really is and why it seems to control our lives. Well, now you're about to understand!

The answer you seek lies in THIS image below.  That's the only clue I'm going to give you. The rest of it is in the video!

Iceberg-Unconscious-700x453Let me just say that MOST of "you" is below the surface. Just like this iceberg, you need know the DEEPER part of yourself until you peel back the layers!

After you understand this we can do some serious work together!

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<b>Power</b> of the <b>Subconscious Mind</b> – WHY It Controls Your Life | Anik <b>...</b>

Posted: 03 Mar 2014 01:46 AM PST

Conscious Mind vs. Subconscious Mind

I get a LOT of questions about this topic. Many don't understand what exactly the SUBCONSCIOUS mind really is and why it seems to control our lives. Well, now you're about to understand!

The answer you seek lies in THIS image below.  That's the only clue I'm going to give you. The rest of it is in the video!

Iceberg-Unconscious-700x453Let me just say that MOST of "you" is below the surface. Just like this iceberg, you need know the DEEPER part of yourself until you peel back the layers!

After you understand this we can do some serious work together!

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Power of <b>Subconscious Mind Power</b> | PORTABLE LIFE SKILLS <b>...</b>

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 06:31 AM PST


(YOUR HEAD IS LIKE A TOOLBOX) Everyday you make a thousand choices. You choose what to wear, where to go, who to meet, what to eat and what to do. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, YOU decide WHAT TO THINK. One thing is sure and that is that your day will not be better than your thoughts. ...................
Just close your eyes for a moment and see if you can visualise this open toolbox and if you can see the hundreds of tools that are neatly placed in this toolbox. Now look if you can see the maker's name on these tools. The creator of these tools (thoughts and perceptions) is you. You created thousands of thoughts and perceptions (tools) about everything since your childhood. ..................
When confronted with any situation or problem you reach into this toolbox and take out what you think the most appropriate tool would be and then attempt to fix the problem. It is estimated that your mind thinks at least 2,500 thoughts an hour. Every thought that you think is a tool (perception) that you have that you imagine would work best under specific circumstances. This thought process continues day and night and will do so for the rest of your life. .....................................
I am convinced that we think ourselves to a standstill. We never stop playing with these tools in our toolbox and can hardly ever really relax for a while. If we are not faced with a problem or task that needs completion we still continue to take out these tools and mentally rehears and contemplate how we will use them should something that we fear become a reality. ............................
We are forever thinking and scheming and never become still and tranquil inside. Our bodies might seem relaxed, but deep inside our heads this thought process continues churning around. What I am most worried about is that most of the tools that you have in your toolbox are very old and outdated. .......................
Many of the opportunities, problems and obstructions that you face daily cannot be repaired while you are using old and outdated tools. If you take a modern mechanic's toolbox and you place the toolbox of a mechanic of fifty years ago next to it you will find that there are major discrepancies. When you are confronted with something that needs repair and you do not have the right tool for the task at hand it can be very frustrating. We usually improvise and try using some other tools and hope that it will also get the job done. ........................
When you are faced with a problem you need to select the right tool for the task at hand. If you do not have the tool in your toolbox it can complicate your life. What most people seem to ignore is that it is sometimes better not to reach for your toolbox when faced with a problem. Sometimes you need time to pass or need to leave the problem with its rightful owner. How well you use your tools is usually reflected in the world you see around you. What would you do if you were faced with any or all of the following? .........................
You get a flat tire on your way to an important customer or meeting. You can fall apart, develop a migraine and think that life is against you or you can take out the right tools (patience and reality) and take care of the problem in a relaxed manner. ........................
You have been working on the computer for hours and suddenly lose all your work. You can drop dead with a heart attack; think that God hates you or you can take out the right tool (sanity and reality) and begin over and this time remember to make a backup of your work. ....................
A lover or wife possibly cheated on you. You can go crazy and get an assassin to take out the potential threat to your relationship, think that you are a failure or you can take out the right tool (no fear of loss) and get on with your life. .......................
When you have the right tools in your toolbox it makes life a lot easier. The choices we make are vital in our lives. The more quality choices we make during any given day the higher the probability of success and peace of mind. ................
I suggest that you equip your toolbox with the best tools you can lay your hands on. It is important to upgrade if you discover that one of your tools are outdated or that a more modern version is available. How would you react if your TV packed up and a technician that obviously knows very little about electronics arrived at your house with only a sledgehammer and a few other primitive tools in his toolbox? I am sure that you will send him away and find someone better qualified and equipped for the task. .....................
You might sometimes be like this incompetent and poorly equipped technician indicated above if you do not often update your tools (thoughts) in your toolbox. You can also have all the right tools in your toolbox and never use them because you are afraid that you might make a mistake. ..................
You must remember that happiness and success is always just one thought (tool) away. You should remember when you find it difficult to cope with something that one new tool (thought) could change your life. One fresh thought and one new idea can change your life from pain and suffering to success and peace of mind. ........................
You are today what you were programmed with yesterday. The choices that you make on a moment-to-moment basis decide your fate and future. You can never feel or perform better than the ongoing thoughts and feelings that you allow to occupy your mind! .......................
The mistake we make is that most of us live our lives on a reactive basis. We start and complete our day in a reactive state of being. Something comes to our attention via our five senses or via a thought in our mind. We automatically slip into the "role" that we created for ourselves many moons ago. We act, react and experience the same feelings and emotions that we embedded with our scrip at its inception. We do exactly the same when new stimuli push the previous "drama" off the stage in our minds. We sustain this reactive mode of thinking until we finally go to bed at night. Most of our days are made up of a tapestry of "roles" that we played in our own colorful way. It is important to understand that nothing is going to change until we do something different. We cannot repeat the same old recipes and expect a different outcome. ....................
You can use the "Portable Life Skills Wisdom" book to develop a range of appropriate scripts that you can use when you are faced with a problem or project that need your attention. You will if you apply the scripts in this book find that you no longer run your life on a reactive basis. The new scripts will help you to live your life in the moment. You will become more realistic. You will treat each event on its own merit. How do you do this? ......................
The Process ....................
Read the first message in your book. Write it down if at all possible. It will assist you to absorb the data provided. Now sit back and close your eyes and visualize how you will apply the specific message in the various areas of your life. See yourself on the screen of your mind using the message in all your day-to-day activities. It is important to attempt to feel and experience the benefits that this new mode of thinking will bring into your life. Do this for ten minutes. Then open your eyes and begin to apply the wisdom on all occasions where appropriate in your activities on that given day. ...........................
Proceed to do the same with second message etc. in your book tomorrow. You will upload almost a thousand powerful recipes if you sustain the process indicated above. You can in less than three years upload a powerful "tool" system that will serve you for the rest of your life. This can be a life changing experience if you apply it daily. You will discover that the ten minutes you invest daily will upload countless new strategies into your subconscious computer. Build a successful and happy life. The key however is action. You can have the best tools available to man and still fail if you don't use them daily. Wishing you the very best with this endeavor. .............................
Daily Support System (This Blog) ................
You not only have the massive key ideas in the book that you can use when appropriate you also receive daily posts on a wide range of subjects that will expand this system to a level never offered before. Visit this blog daily for fresh new ideas with a sprinkle of historical wisdom that stood the test of time. ..........................

What can be achieved through <b>power</b> of <b>subconscious mind</b>? - Reiki

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 06:28 AM PDT

Once you have learned to use the power of your subconscious mind, the world is open to you. You can use it for whatever goal you want to. There is no limit to what you can use it for. As you practice, you would automatically know how to benefit from it and achieve your goals. Remember that the results would depend on the nature of your goal and how you apply the techniques. The common fields where you can use it are:

  1. Improvement of general heath.
  2. Treatment of specific diseases.
  3. Improvement of memory.
  4. Career development.
  5. Improvement of relationships.
  6. Improvement of business.
  7. Improvement of financial conditions.
  8. Personal development.
  9. Psychic development.
  10. Getting good grades in examinations.
  11. Clearing stress, anxiety, depression, fears and phobias etc.
  12. Getting a good job, a good house or a life partner of your liking etc.
  13. Getting sound sleep.
  14. Leaving bad habits.
  15. You can even attract or get rid of a person through your mind power.
  16. … and much more…

<b>Power</b> of <b>Subconscious Mind</b>|#WARSTARRHIPHOP |#360WISE <b>...</b>

Posted: 23 Feb 2014 06:58 PM PST

<b>Power</b> Up Your <b>Subconscious</b> - Transformation Magazines

Posted: 06 Mar 2014 05:55 AM PST

by Rachael J. Avery

On average, the subconscious mind fires 40 nerve impulses per second, representing 95 percent of our daily activity, according to Brain for Success' Dr. Cynthia Miller, a psychotherapist, consultant, and pioneer in the areas of change, gratitude and transformation. Ideally, conscious and subconscious communication is harmonious and balanced like yin and yang. Consciousness has us answering "What," while subconsciousness is asking Why?" When consciousness has an idea, subconsciousness is already working on the expression and meaning of that idea.

Too often, the conscious mind upsets this balance, grabbing the wheel and driving us down the road of self-defeating behaviors.

To get back to a place of harmony, there are some simple tools we can use to power up the subconscious and improve cooperation between these two aspects of our being so we become happier and healthier.

In simple terms, think of your subconscious as a perpetual three-year-old child in the back seat of the car asking, "Why, why, why?" to every single conscious thought throughout the day. When we live life according to our values, in alignment with high-vibrational activity, it's energizing to answer the question, "Why?" However, if we're tired, disappointed or unsure of a decision, it's easy to see why we feel so exhausted from mentally having to answer this question constantly at a conscious level.

Often, the tension we feel in our bodies from exhaustive conscious/subconscious communication manifests itself as self-defeating behavior or addiction. This is the very reason why we set intentions like losing weight, eating healthy, exercising, finding the perfect relationship, or quitting smoking and then fall short time and time again. For example, setting weight loss goals sets our conscious mind to the task of furiously figuring out the "What:" walking, running, healthy eating, clubs, programs, detoxes, colon cleanses, or popcorn/no butter. The subconscious will be asking with every step, every activity, every bite on our fork, "Why?" If we know why at a conscious level and believe in ourselves, our deep-rooted values will answer our backseat three-year-old and it will be invigorating. We will be able to say statements such as:

  • To live a vibrant long life
  • To be active with my kids
  • To accept what I'm worth
  • To allow people to love me
  • To heal my body from disease
  • To seek a closer relationship and be more in alignment with my highest self
  • To be a clear channel for my purpose

Therefore, being actively engaged in valuable exercises such as meditations, workshops, vision boards, or writing is a crucial part of balancing the harmonious yin/yang feeling of contentment, peace, and love—the language of the subconscious. When the relationship between the conscious and subconscious is harmonized in balanced expressions of what and why, success is likely to follow.

On the other hand, addictions and self-defeating behavior manipulate opportunistic compulsions of the conscious "doing" mind with luring whispers that say, "Come hither and do. There is no why, just feel good now." This is incredibly desirable to the conscious mind because it offers an illusion that the subconscious isn't there.

Three Steps Toward Harmony
However, the subconscious mind actually is more powerful and can be used to heal self-defeating behavior and addictions if one is willing to support the conscious mind with patience, love, support, and advanced nurturing techniques until that balance is achieved. Here are three tools to harness the power of your subconscious to overcome self-defeating behavior:

1. Positive Thoughts Create Positive Results—Resist the urge to judge yourself, your addiction, or where you are in your life. Whip out your most powerful positive affirmations. Affirmations are to the subconscious what cookies are to the "Cookie Monster." The subconscious says: "Feed me!" and you are constantly feeding your subconscious. Be diligent in feeding it healthy, vibrant, positive thoughts to crowd out negative ones.

2. Identify Your Feelings—Every time you breathe in deep with a belly breath and ask, "What three emotion words am I feeling?" and then you answer, your subconscious says: "That makes sense. I validate you." Emotions are the language of your subconscious.

3. Play—If you feel disappointed in your progress or you feel like you are hitting a brick wall in life, get up immediately and play. Color, skip, watch a cartoon, sit cross legged, giggle, sing a song. Playing is a catalyst for the subconscious that spitfires communication to consciousness saying, "Who care's why? We're finally free!!"

We all know that tackling self-defeating behaviors and battling addictions is not a game on the playground. However, awareness between the relationship of the conscious and subconscious mind empowers our journey in a way that can facilitate effortless triumph.

When communication is harmonized between the conscious and subconscious, amazing things starts to happen in life. It's when you go to the movies and don't feel like popcorn with butter for the first time in your life. It's when you forgot to obsess about your weight one day. It's passing the drive-through window and choosing to cook a healthy dinner at home. It's about being attracted to nourishing and uplifting people rather than those who drain you of energy.

If there is a self-defeating, self-limiting, or addictive behavior lingering in the backseat of your life, have faith that your subconscious mind can help you.

I hope these three tools will help kick self defeating thoughts to the curb so you can continue forth driving on your path of divine sparkle!

Rachael J. Avery teaches cooking classes in Wesley Chapel, FL. She is the owner of The Grateful Pantry, an online community of grateful spiritual go getters who explore ways in which food, cooking and health challenges empower values. She uses a formula called "The Dinner Equation" to guide grateful cooking. For more information on Rachael's vision board readings, intuitive dinner planning and coaching and dinner workshops visit www.thegratefulpantry.com.

Power of <b>Subconscious Mind Power</b> Techniques… Video <b>...</b>

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 10:11 AM PST

Reblogged this on She designed a life she loved and commented: What an amazing video! We can change anything around us within the matter of minutes! Reply. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Enter your comment here.*

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