Healing Phobias with the <b>Law of Attraction</b> - Deliberate Receiving Blog |
- Healing Phobias with the <b>Law of Attraction</b> - Deliberate Receiving Blog
- <b>Law of Attraction</b> Book Update | Annienygma
- The Bare Midriff: The <b>law of attraction</b>
- Burbank <b>Law of Attraction</b>: A MAGICAL HFD EVENING
- Best <b>Law of Attraction</b> Forums | Good Vibe Blog
- Magical Marketing with <b>Law of Attraction</b> | Live the <b>Law of Attraction</b>
- True <b>law of attraction</b> story: “I am creating a life with music” | Mollie <b>...</b>
- is the <b>law of attraction</b> real - Joe Seeber
- All Things Come To Us By The <b>Law Of Attraction</b> - The Daily Love
Healing Phobias with the <b>Law of Attraction</b> - Deliberate Receiving Blog Posted: 10 Mar 2014 02:46 PM PDT
Coaching Call #091 is out! The topic of this week's call is: Leaving an Abusive Relationship. This caller is a woman in India, stuck in an abusive family and in a relationship with an abusive man. She's dealing with cultural issues and the pressure to get married to a man she doesn't know or love. Abuse is a huge subject, and there was no way we could completely sort it out in one call. But we were able to make a great deal of headway in terms of finding the strength to take immediate action to protect herself, as well as beginning the process of shifting the underlying beliefs that are the true cause of her situation. This will be a powerful call for anyone who has the tendency to let others cross their boundaries, whether it has escalated to full on abuse or not. It will also give you powerful insights into how abusive relationships happen, should you have a loved one who is currently in such a situation. I'm overjoyed to report that this caller has already contacted me with good news: "When you told me to leave the douchebag with such confidence, somehow I finally gave myself permission to let go." Read the full call summary here. ****************************************** Awesome Marie's Burning Question: "How can you heal and release a specific fear? I'm thinking of irrational fears or phobias. I know that exposure therapy is a commonly recommended technique, but that does not feel at all in line with LOA in the vein of Abraham Hicks. It would be much better to resolve the fear on an emotional level first, before going forward with action. Any tips?" Dear Awesome Marie, Here's your video answer: Watch the video directly on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cl9_o2M7Lq4&feature=youtu.be Read the Highlights!For those of you not familiar with exposure therapy, it basically entails immersing yourself in whatever it is you're afraid of, in the hopes that your brain will get the message that there's nothing to be afraid of and the fear will dissipate. So, for example, if you're afraid of spiders, you'd throw yourself into a vat full of spiders (or possibly just hold a spider in your hand…) and then by virtue of you not dying, your mind would realize that spiders are not dangerous and your fear would go away. Yeah. F#%k that. Exposure therapy can work, but…Exposure or immersion therapy is a valid tool, but that's all it really is – a tool. And a pretty stressful one, at that. Whether or not it will work for any individual depends on a huge variety of factors; what the fear is, how it was formed, how hard core the patient is, what the fear is associated with, etc. Not all tools will work all the time, and you're absolutely right to follow your own guidance. If this therapy doesn't resonate with you, then it's not the tool that will work for you right now. What exactly is a phobia?A phobia is really just a fear, and while all fears are irrational, they are, like all emotions, simply messengers. If you've developed a phobia, it means that there's something that's not serving you, that you're not paying attention to. For example, let's say you have a crappy job with a tyrannical boss, but according to your belief system, you can't leave. You feel totally trapped and powerless. In that case, you might develop claustrophobia. Every time you get into an elevator, or any other enclosed spaces, you feel trapped – a perfect representation of the feeling you're ignoring in your job. Now, what the underlying fear is won't always be obvious to you. If you've developed a phobia, it means you've had numerous other, less severe manifestations that you've ignored. This is a situation you're suppressing or which has been with you for such a long time that it appears "normal". Don't feel bad if you can't immediately figure out what the root cause of your fear is. In these cases it can be very beneficial to get some help via a friend, therapist or coach. What is a mystery to you might be blaringly obvious to someone looking at your situation from the outside. The key is to figure out what your fear feels like and what it actually represents. When you release that fear, all symptoms of that belief will automatically dissolve along with it. Phobias can be curedPhobias can be released, and actually rather quickly. Immersion therapy can work, but it can also simply serve to sever the connection between the root cause (feeling a lack of control) and the trigger (heights, for example). If the underlying fear is not addressed, you may lose your phobia, but another manifestation will take its place pretty quickly. You can't run away from your vibration. |
<b>Law of Attraction</b> Book Update | Annienygma Posted: 05 Mar 2014 10:30 AM PST I have spent these past few days working on my current project, a book detailing my experiences with the Law of Attraction. It is coming along quite well. I have the second draft completed and the chapters arranged in an order that will be conducive to what I am trying to teach. Here is a list of the current table of contents. While it isn't set in stone (I won't do that until I actually hit "publish,") it will give you an idea of the ground that I cover.
Part of me would like to add a conclusion chapter to the work but I fear that it may be a bit repetitive. I will read it over several times before I make that final decision about adding the section, because a short section may improve the work. As for a title, I am tentatively calling it "How the Law of Attraction Changed My Life." It is about more than that (I also share how others can use the Law of Attraction based on my personal experiences) but for the life of me I cannot come up with a title that doesn't sound … Lame. I don't profess to know everything that there is about the Law of Attraction in this work. Instead, I demonstrate how I have seen it work in my own life, what I learned from the experience and ask the reader to make their own decisions as to my veracity. Do you have any suggestions for a better title for this work, or any chapter suggestions to make it better? Please share your thoughts in the comments below. Like this post? Sign up here to receive updates by email. |
The Bare Midriff: The <b>law of attraction</b> Posted: 07 Mar 2014 03:34 PM PST I remember being obsessed with The Secret when it came out. I listened to the audiobook over and over again, willing the law of attraction to work for me. To this day, I use many of the practices the book discusses in my daily life. I visualize the things I want, painting as detailed a picture as I can in my mind. I try to avoid thinking negative thoughts, not wanting to put that out there in the Universe. I say affirmations. A lot of people say the law of attraction is a bunch of hooey, but I guarantee that it's not. It is real. Case in point: For several years, I've been following the blog and novels of Stacey Ballis, a fiction novelist who specializes in foodie fiction. Several of her books revolve around food, and she includes lots of delicious recipes within the pages. I really like her writing voice; it's humorous and genuine - it's like I'm reading my own thoughts whenever I pick up one of her books. Anyway, she's coming out with a cookbook soon, and she hosted a contest on her blog to name the book. I submitted an idea, and my idea was one of the three finalists. How does the law of attraction factor into this? I've wanted to read her novel Out To Lunch ever since it was published, but haven't gotten around to it. When I recently re-discovered my love of reading, I went looking for Out To Lunch at the library. Alas, our library system, amazing as it is, doesn't carry it. I kept the image of the cover of the book in my head. I kept reminding myself that I wanted to read it, that I needed to order it from Amazon. It was always there, in the back of my mind. And today, it arrived on my doorstep; my prize for being a finalist in the book-naming contest. See? Law of attraction. It works. How has the law of attraction affected your life? |
Burbank <b>Law of Attraction</b>: A MAGICAL HFD EVENING Posted: 11 Mar 2014 07:00 PM PDT Ramona welcomed new members and guests. EddieConner delighted us with a guided meditation he called "Magical Mystical Journey to Eternal Love." The sharing of manifestations using the law of attraction was phenomenal. Some of the items shared were; a leading role in a movie, books published, pilots booked, series booked, name up in lights on Broadway, Emmys, job offers and several more. The evening's topic was How the Law of Attraction feels Magical, especially when we consciously manifest our desires. We awake each morning on a High Flying Disc (HFD), but our initial thoughts set the stage for how we feel the whole day. Ramona and Mike start each morning by wishing each other a "Happy Birthday" which is an event to celebrate. By wishing each other Happy Birthday, the stage and their minds are set for a day of celebration. With our mindsets on an HFD, the next step is to ask for what we want. Of course we have all heard the expression "Be careful what you wish for because your wish may come true." Mike and Ramona are looking for a different home in Burbank. The search has been difficult because the homes are old, most need a lot of updating. They set their intention to find a house with remodeled kitchen and bathrooms, wood floors, fruit trees in the back yard, and a couple other items. The next home they saw had all those things, exactly. However, the plumbing and electrical had not been touched in years, the wood floors needed work, the home was badly in need of cleaning and painting, some light fixtures were broken or missing. Nevertheless, they thanked the Universe for bringing them exactly what they manifested. Now they are launching rockets of pure, clear, positive energy with a more general, all-encompassing statement of desire. Abraham-Hicks' book "Ask and It Is Given" discusses the use of a magical creation box. It is simply a box you like. On it write "Whatever is contained in this box—IS!" Then collect photos, pictures, sayings of whatever you want to manifest. As you place these items in the box say "Whatever is contained in this box—IS!" Eddie Conner told how he used a magical creation box to manifest his first trip to Machu Picchu. Remember, you have to look for the magic. Smiling begets more manifestations than frowning. Doubt waters down our desires. To pivot from the frown or doubt, find something that makes you smile. It can be blue skies, grandchildren, a fond memory, even a good joke. Now you are on your way. Don't let others bother you or get into your head. It's counter-productive to your goals and provides them with "free rent" in your head. Mentally imagine a "No Vacancy" sign on your forehead when others try to derail your efforts. Your heart has an electromagnetic field that extends about ten feet out and can influence others. Use it to block the "free rent" and to maneuver others into providing you with what you need. It is okay to involve someone else in your intention. That is merely a part of the co-creative process. In summary, to enjoy the magical feelings of HFD manifestations coming true, you must first be in a good place, carefully request what you want, feel it, emote it, believe you will get it, activate it, and push it until it appears. The evening concluded with a fantastic performance by David Minkin who showed us why people like Johnny Depp say "That's the greatest thing I've ever seen. Really... that was staggering!" You can see for yourself by going to one of his performances. Join us for a special performance on April 5. David has offered our group a discounted fee for his April 5 performance. Click this link and enter the promo code "LOA" to obtain the special discounted price. We promise you will love David and his performance. You can't help seeing his performance and ending up on a high flying disc. The next meeting of the Burbank Law of Attraction Group is April 8. |
Best <b>Law of Attraction</b> Forums | Good Vibe Blog Posted: 03 Mar 2014 04:06 AM PST Where are the best places to hang out with fellow creators on the net? I asked around to find deliberate creators' favorite forums online. Here's our compiled list so far, in no particular order: Powerful Intentions: Power Law of Attraction Forum: Co-Creating Your Reality: The Abe Forum: Intenders Founders Circle: Good Vibe University: Please add your favorite law of attraction and manifesting forums in the comments and I'll add them to the list. Thanks in advance for sharing! * * * * * * * * Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at Good Vibe U and co-founder of Good Vibe Astrology. Subscribe to her Good Vibe newsletter here. Connect on Google+. |
Magical Marketing with <b>Law of Attraction</b> | Live the <b>Law of Attraction</b> Posted: 06 Mar 2014 02:24 PM PST What a GREAT SHOW! Julia D. Stege, The Magical Marketer, joins us this week to talk about using Law of Attraction in your marketing. Julia uses Law of Attraction consulting along with intuitive branding, inspired artwork, and smart Internet marketing strategies to offer solo-preneurs, businesses and organizations a unique powerhouse of magical strategies and tools that attract and inspire just the right people. GET YOUR FREE COPY OF THE REVOLUTIONARY MARKETING BOOK: BRANDING FROM THE HEART: Click here to get it!How to Share Your Purpose through Marketing that Attracts Your Tribe and Inspires a Revolution Julia shared so much information during the show that will really assist you in starting to think of your marketing in a new and wonderful way. I met Julia a few years ago. We speak about how that came about, and it truly is the result of There really are no coincidences! Listen right here to the entire show, you can also click here to subscribe to our podcast on itunes. . Enjoy the show!. More Self Help Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with LiveLOAradio on BlogTalkRadio x Join us on our show!Together, Linda and Nada, share their real life successes with you. You can call in and ask any questions you want to find clarity on working with that awesome power within you. They will assist you in finding your connection to Spirit, to your Guides and Angels and to knowing that this awesome Universal Energy is flowing through you always. Listen to the show every Thursday at 1pm EST click here to follow: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/liveloaradio . |
True <b>law of attraction</b> story: “I am creating a life with music” | Mollie <b>...</b> Posted: 06 Mar 2014 08:20 PM PST I have an a dream, that despite all pragmatic and empirical realities no one can tell me that I cannot have one day. Within me is belief and also self-doubt, yet the calling is undeniable. What has helped me so far as the most helpful coping mechanism imaginable, and what I believe is the key to achieving this ultimate goal, is understanding and practicing the law of attraction. I grew up in a normal suburban town outside Boston, certainly a town in a bubble. There was a Stetson piano in the basement which I recall, at a very young age of 4 or 5, banging on and belting out gibberish. A warm ethereal feeling overcame me, starting in my chest and it permeated my entire body, warming every organ, every cell. I can still get that feeling to this day when I am lost in a song. With music as my motivation, I am on a life-long journey. Using law of attraction, I have thus far built a community of musicians in my local area, obtained gigs at the level of playing out 2/3 times a week, started a band, obtained a certificate in Audio Engineering and self-produced and released my debut solo EP. This has all been achieved while holding down a full time job and owning a home. Positive energy sets forth a high vibration in the universe which will return to you more vibration at that energy level. Basically, you attract what circumstances come into your life by your energy level, which is essentially your predominant thoughts. Significant effort must be made in the realm of self-improvement in order to achieve the right mindset, it does not happen overnight. Some may be predisposed to the right mindset, with good role models who went through the process themselves, whether consciously or not, and I believe the right mindset is exactly what is needed in order to achieve what you want out of life. I became interested in LOA a few years ago. I was searching for meaning out of life and trying to find a way out of my day job, which I am still at to this day. I remember well when I first started seeing it work, though it took a while to get it to start working. At first, my mind was swimming with contradictory thoughts, which still happen, though are much more manageable. Once I was able to slow down the contradictory thoughts, I was able to focus on my values and map out my ideal life. Visualizing, thinking up every detail, and remaining positive while monitoring your thoughts are important aspects of allowing LOA to work for you. About two and a half years ago, I started by hosting an open mic with the idea that it could be a jam session, which strangers who have never played together joining on stage and supporting each other, creating music for the audience. For about the first 4 months of the gig, which my friend George (who is twice my age) and I ran on a Sunday, there was no one there besides us, the bar tender and the a couple waitresses. We didn't even get paid in those days as no one came! Despite all reason, I believed in the open mic and stayed positive every Sunday for about 6 months. People started showing up, and things were getting good. Though, it took a while to actually get a jam session going, which is what I really wanted. I remember the first few jams, the feeling in my chest I felt as a kid returned, even stronger due to the mixture of individuals and the immensity of the sound we were getting. Before we knew it, there was a crowd there every night and we began having these crazy jam sessions with up to seven or eight people in them. Saxophones, mandolins, harmonicas, hand drums, a flutist, violins and of course plenty of guitars created these amazing jam sessions every Sunday. The open mics have been consistently strong ever since. I have expanded it to another bar and host on Tuesdays as well now. I formed a band with some friends and an amazing guitarist, who happened to live right down the street from me, who I met through the open mic and we play 2/3 times a month around the local area. If I didn't attract that into my life, then I don't know what!! I've completed an apprenticeship in Audio Engineering at a studio in Boston during this time period. I've made connections and been inspired by so many local musicians, which is something I have always wanted. I've created a home recording studio where I am recording some of the artists from the open mics. And lastly, I am releasing an EP of my original music titled ROOFTOP, The Musty Rustic EP. It's hard work, this LOA business, don't be fooled. For many, conditioning has set us on a course which opposes our ability to dive into attracting what you want out of life naturally and easily. Not to mention, working on yourself is one of the hardest things to do, and requires great patience, which is why I believe many people just settle for their life circumstances, never realizing they are creating the very things they do not want in their life by choosing to focus on them, rather than focusing on what they do want. The problem is when people try to think of what they do want, the tendency is to think of it in terms of not having it, or not being able to have it. Instead, the trick is to think of it as something you already have, something that is within your abilities. That slight difference is humungous. You can choose to think however you want, why not choose the best possible thoughts and outcomes? John Hanson |
is the <b>law of attraction</b> real - Joe Seeber Posted: 03 Mar 2014 12:14 PM PST
Is the law of attraction real? How does it work… What's the theory behind it? Is there any scientific proof? First before I dive into this content. I just want to make one thing clear… … If you're trying to get success in your life, hit your goals, be more happy, etc, and you haven't looked into the law of attraction yet. Then you're basically shooting yourself in the foot. I understand that this is a very controversial topic because a fair amount of information is just theory… but there's also a fair amount of information that's backed up by science. Plus if you take in consideration that the most wealthiest, most successful people throughout the ages practiced and used the law of attraction daily. People like, Henry Ford, Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill and people today like Will Smith, Oprah Winfrey, etc. I've started studying and applying the law of attraction into my daily life over the last couple of years and the results have been amazing. So, is the law of attraction real? If you're an absolute beginner and you've never heard of the Law of Attraction or you haven't looked into it… Then I suggest that you dive into the video below. The reason why is because having a basic understanding of quantum physics, that everyone and everything on planet earth is energy and has a unique vibrational frequency will help you understand what I'm talking about. If that confused you, then I highly recommend that you check out the video below because it will give you an idea of how atoms work. If you don't watch that video… then I guess you'll have to take my word for it. So how is the law of attraction real? Well… Thomas Edison, the guy who invented the light bulb, who holds more patents than anyone in history is a genius. Albert Einstein who created e=mc2… theory of relativity, sometimes remembered as the smartest man who ever lived. Both of these people said the same thing. They scientifically proved at the turn of the century that the brain is a transmitter and a receiver of vibrational frequency… … they also believed that every cell is the human body emits a different frequency. Science has proved that everything on planet earth like rocks, cars, wood, T.V's, etc, is made out of the same thing, "energy" … and everything on planet earth emits a different frequency. A frequency is also called a vibration… also called energy, it's quantifiable and it's measurable. Your DNA at the lowest level emits a unique frequency, every atom emits a frequency… energy and frequency are the same. A frequency is what radio waves are… frequencies pass through all known matter. For example, if you're in a house and you get an old transistor radio with an antenna and you turn it on, music magically appears from your transistor radio. The antenna in your house picked up radio frequencies that are broadcasted from either a satellite or a transmitter someplace. That transmitter puts out a frequency which is instantly picked up by your transistor, it bypasses space and time. That frequency from the radio transmitter goes across the ETHER, and it passes through steel, brick, mortar, wall, glass, wood… it passes right through it. Scientists today can't explain how radio frequencies pass through solid steel, glass, brick, mortar or stone… but they know it does. The answer though is because the radio frequency is at a quantum physics level smaller then an atom, smaller then an electron, it's smaller then the smallest known particle on planet earth… it's a frequency. Frequencies and vibrations exists, they're real… they're scientifically proven. The human brain according to Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein, is both a transmitter and a receiver of frequency. They said that the human brains emits frequencies which when focused are picked up by other brains and passed through the ether to effect other physical matter. However, your brain has a special unique ability that a radio transmitter doesn't do. The unique ability that your transmitter/brain can do that a radio transmitter can't do is… … radio frequencies goes in a straight line, which is why if your broadcasting from a satellite you need other satellites to bounce the signal off each other to get to the other part of the globe. Your brain's frequency has the ability to bypass space and time and when you emit a frequency right now it's instantaneously picked up by matter or another human brain anywhere on the planet at the same instantaneous moment with the same amount of energy. Now this might be a hard pill for you to swallow because it sounds a little intense. But if you watch the video up above… … It explains how electrons exists as a wave and a particle simultaneously until they are observed… they merely represent the potential of being either one. The deeper you dive into this content you start to understand how strange and crazy the universe is. Just the fact how everything on planet earth is made out of atoms, including you and I… … and how atoms can be in two places at once, can disappear and reappear into existence and how 90% of an atom is just empty space. That means the chair you're sitting on right now is 90% empty… It can be mind boggling… that's for sure. Just understand that your thoughts are just as real as anything else. Just because we can't weigh our thoughts, put it in a box, hit it with a hammer to make a noise, doesn't mean their not real. Your imagination is a crazy thing with all these neurons and cells firing. Somehow through these ideas they can manifest themselves as situations that occur, solid objects, opportunities that arise, etc. Like the person who figured out the wheel, or the person who create the first computer. So essentially you're re programming your mindset, your thought process and learning how to use the law of attraction to attract things and situation into your life. So is the law of attraction real? I 100% believe the law of attraction is real… with the situations, circumstances, and thing's I've attracted into my using the law of attraction have been crazy. I even have a blog post on with my law of attraction proof. If you want to start using the law of attraction in your life then highly recommend you watch the movie below called, "The Secret". It covers everything you need to know about attracting things into your life… Anyway, I hope this blog post gave you a better understanding and helps point you in the right direction with learning and applying the law of attraction into your life. Let me know what you think. Do you believe in the law of attraction? Do you apply it… and if so, has it made your life better? Any crazy stories? Please share, I want to hear. Sign up to Joe's newsletter and learn how YOU can earn an income online or off your blog! Hint... you're halfway there!
p.s if you enjoyed this article check out my law of attraction vision board post… it covers the benefits of having a vision board when accomplishing goals. Like & Share Please |
All Things Come To Us By The <b>Law Of Attraction</b> - The Daily Love Posted: 09 Mar 2014 01:20 AM PST When we create a mental picture of our ideal outcomes what we are doing is projecting powerful thoughts into Universal consciousness which is the substance from which all things are created. When I look back at my own life and how I bombarded my my mind with thoughts of negativity, blame, shame and guilt it now seems miraculous that I survived at all, let alone got anything done! It would therefore be a little silly for us to try to determine how the all-knowing should materialize our thoughts and goals. That's kind of like the infinite trying to advise and influence the infinite. Unfortunately lack of awareness of this Law does not mean that it isn't working all the time. In fact this is the same Law that will also create the results of failure in our lives. If we fail to understand that Universal substance is all-powerful, all present and all-knowing and we continually bombard our minds with thoughts of negativity, failure, limitation and lack, the Law will work flawlessly and provides us more of what we are thinking. This is why I ended up living most of my life in quiet desperation. I had know idea that my thoughts would become things and the net result was the roller coaster ride just got more harrowing. We would be better off recognizing and accepting the infinite wisdom and infinite power of Universal mind and its ability to create form and substance from conscious thought. This way we can become a conduit for the infinite to bring about the mechanisms to materialize our goals and dreams. It is impossible to separate ourselves from all that is. We are all part of the creation of the Universe and the primordial soup that made up the Big Bang. The blood and flesh which makes up our bodies is the same matter which Universe is made of. We are part of the magnificent whole of the Universe therefore that part of us must be the same in kind and quality as the whole. The only difference is the "degree" to which we understand this awareness and use it to our benefit. When we begin to realize the incredible truth that we are an integral part of the magnificent whole that is the Universe and that the Universe and ourselves are one; that is when we become aware of the endless possibilities and opportunities that have been placed at our disposal. As I grasp these concepts my life has become happier and more purposeful. We have to recognize the fact that the creative forces of thought, puts us directly in touch with infinite power and Universal substance. If we refuse to realize our unity with the infinite and our oneness with Source, we will measure ourselves by the material and outer external conditions in our worlds which will bring about confusion, fear, lack and anxiousness. We need to make the great decision to relate ourselves to Universal consciousness and the infinite and act as though "I and the father are one." This is the only way to release our potential. What helps me with this is frequent meditation. If you don't meditate just look into the night sky and observe the magnificence and become aware that you are completely connected to all that magnificence. Regardless as to how we may determine and evaluate our lives from a human perspective, there is that in each of us that goes way beyond our humanness. When we realize the truth of the enormous spiritual potential we have within us, we become free to be our unlimited selves and we are free to achieve unlimited things. Are you ready to think only positive thoughts and become a conduit for the infinite to materialize your goals and dreams? Are you willing to accept that you are part of the magnificent whole that is the Universe and that the Universe and you are one? Can you lay claim to the endless possibilities and opportunities that have been placed at our disposal? Much Love and Welcome Home, Ryf ### Ryf Van Rij is a coach and creator of The Daily Way Home. Connect with Ryf via Facebook and Twitter. |
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