Does The <b>Law Of Attraction</b> Really Work? | Eva Gregory |
- Does The <b>Law Of Attraction</b> Really Work? | Eva Gregory
- Manifesting, the <b>Law of Attraction</b>, and Fantasy Thinking – TPS31 <b>...</b>
- Do Animals Use The <b>Law Of Attraction</b>? | Eva Gregory
- Desire-Force at the Center of the <b>Law of Attraction</b> <b>...</b> - Eva Gregory
- <b>Law of Attraction</b>: Tips and Tricks for Everyday Manifesting | The <b>Law</b> <b>...</b>
- A Simple 2–Step Process to Get the <b>Law of Attraction</b> Working for <b>...</b>
- Law #10: <b>Law of Attraction</b> | Speaking the Truth from Different <b>...</b>
Does The <b>Law Of Attraction</b> Really Work? | Eva Gregory Posted: 12 Mar 2006 06:15 PM PST
To someone who might not be familiar with the concept of manifestation, it seems like a nonsensical statement even absurd! But to a success conscious individual, it is a powerful statement and within it contains life's most precious secret. Everything starts with a thought. The Wright brothers had a thought about making flying a reality. Soon enough it became a reality for them and we are the beneficiaries. Donald Trump had a thought of being rich which led him to the right people, right opportunities that helped him along the way and he became rich. Bill Gate had an idea (thought) about making the computer easy to operate and accessible to everyone. His thought manifested. These men (and women) and many other successful individuals understand the most fundamental law: the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that similar things attract to one another, thus, the saying "birds of a feather flock together." If everything begins with thought and the Law of Attraction plays a big role in manifesting the thought, then it can be illustrated as follows: A THOUGHT ? (attracts) OTHER SIMILAR THOUGHTS ? (attract) OTHER PEOPLE OF SIMILAR THOUGHTS ? (attract) CIRCUMSTANCES THAT ARE IN HARMONY WITH THOSE THOUTHTS ? (lead to) THE THING DESIRED BY THOSE THOUGHTS EXPRESSED IN PHYSICAL FORM At the level of thought "things" are nothing but random energy waiting to be "assembled". Yet they are as real as electricity is real. We can't see electricity, but we know beyond shadows of a doubt that it exists. We also know that thoughts are real because everything that has ever been invented or created in our physical world began with a thought. The manifestation of the "thing" from the invisible plane into our physical world is enabled by the persistence of thought. Scientists teach us that the whole universe is made of energy. Energy has frequencies. Thoughts are energy in its primitive stage. Thought energies radiate frequencies just as radio antennas radiate frequencies. The level of thought frequency determines the kind of physical manifestation and circumstance that we have; low thought frequencies correspond to the physical expression of similar frequencies while high thought frequencies correspond to things, people, or circumstance of similar frequencies. The key to keep in mind is that thoughts are as real as any physical thing. You must be completely convinced as that it is so just as you are convinced that the earth is round. Hold your thoughts long enough and in time you'll see them manifest in your reality. So go head. Think yourself into riches, a new home, a new car, an opulent lifestyle, happiness, meaningful relationships, peace of mind…whatever you desire. You're limited to the kind of thoughts you hold in your mind. The Law of Attraction does work. All you need to do is check your thoughts. Manifest a great life!
Manifesting, the <b>Law of Attraction</b>, and Fantasy Thinking – TPS31 <b>...</b> Posted: 24 Apr 2014 07:08 PM PDT Podcast: Play in new window | Download (13.2MB) | Embed
Do Animals Use The <b>Law Of Attraction</b>? | Eva Gregory Posted: 23 Apr 2014 12:24 AM PDT
We know that the whole universe is moving and living by the natural laws of the universe. So here is the question, do animals use the law of attraction? All of us have heard many stories of dogs for example who found their way back home over hundreds of miles. The same is said of cats. How are these loving pets able to find back home. For many years we have called this ability in these animals instinct. What is instinct? Could instinct be really the law of attraction? When observing migrating birds we are surely amazed at the ability of even the smallest migrating birds to find their homes back thousands and thousands of miles with such an accuracy. Many have wondered about such admiring abilities. We know that everything in this universe moves and lives by the law of attraction. It may just be more than instinct in animals that enables them to do great things. It no doubt all has to do with the universal laws. The law of attraction works well for human being, could it be at the root why animals do such amazing things? Have you ever wondered about why bats can live their whole life without seeing so well? We know that they use sonar. Maybe too they have learned to harness the power of the law of attraction. How do the salmons find their way to the same breeding grounds for thousands of years?Is it simply "instinct?" Is there not more to it? You no doubt want to learn more about the law of attraction and how it works. Did you know that even many of the ancient cultures knew about the power of the law of attraction? This knowledge is not only fascinating but with this knowledge you can make some big changes in your life. When you meditate and learn about the mind puzzling abilities of even the smallest creatures on this planet it makes you wonder. How well do you think all these creatures may use the law of attraction? What do you think: Is it instinct or could it be the great power of the law of attraction?
Desire-Force at the Center of the <b>Law of Attraction</b> <b>...</b> - Eva Gregory Posted: 26 Aug 2003 05:00 PM PDT
One Individual, segregated from all the other Individuals, could accomplish little or nothing along the lines of outer activity. He must form combinations, arrangements, harmonies and agreements with others, and in accordance with environments and things, that is, he must create and use the proper environments and things, and draw to himself others with whom he must form combinations, in order to do things. And these persons, things and environments come to him — and he to them — by reason of this great Law of Attraction. And the way he sets into operation this great Law of Attraction is by the operation of his Desire, and along the lines of Mental Imagery. Do you see the connection now? So be careful to form, cultivate and manifest the right Desires –hold to them firmly, strongly and constantly, and you will set into operation this great Law, which forms an important part of the Secret of Success. Desire-Force is the motive power leading the activities of Life. It is the basic vital power, which animates the minds of living things and urges them forth to action. Without strong Desire no one accomplishes anything worthy of the name — and the greater the desire the greater will be the amount of energy generated and manifested, everything else being equal. That is to say, that given a dozen men of equal intellect, physical health and mental activity — equal in everything else except Desire, in short, the ones in whom the greatest Desire resides and is manifested will outstrip the others in attainment — and of these winners the one in who Desire burns like an unquenchable flame will be the one who will Master the others by the force of his primitive elementary power. Not only does Desire give to the man that inward motive which leads to the enfoldment of the power within himself, but it does more than this; it causes to radiate from him the finer and more subtle mental and vital forces of his nature, which, flowing forth in all directions like the magnetic waves from the magnet, or the electric waves from the dynamo, influencing all who come within the field of force. Desire-Force is a real, active, effective force of Nature, and serves to attract, draw and bring to a center that which is in line with the nature of the Desire. The much talked of Law of Attraction, of which so much is heard in Mental Science and the New Thought, depends largely upon the force and power of Desire. Desire- Force is at the center of the Law of Attraction. There is a tendency in Nature to attract and draw to the center of a Desire the things which are needed to fulfill that Desire. One's "own will come to him" by reason of his natural force, which lies behind and underneath the entire phenomena of Mental Influence. This being so, does it not become at once apparent why one who wishes to accomplish anything should be sure to create a strong Desire for it, and at the same time be sure to acquire the art of Visualization so as to form a clear Mental Picture of the thing Desired — a clear mold in which the materialized reality may manifest? Have you ever come in contact with any of the great men of modern business life? If you have seen these people in action, you will have become conscious of a subtle, mysterious something about them — a something that you could actually feel — a something that seemed to draw you to fit in to their schemes, plans, and desires almost by an irresistible force. These people are all people of the strongest kind of Desire — their Desire-Force manifests strongly and affects those with whom they come in contact. Not only this, but their Desire-Force flows from them in great waves, which occultists inform us soon manifests a circular, or whirlpool- like motion, swung round and around the center of the Desire — these men become actual cyclones of Desire into which nearly everything that comes within its sweep is affected and swept into the vortex. Have we not evidences of this in the cases of all the great leaders of men — can we not see the operation of that mighty law of attraction which brings to them their own? We are apt to call this Will- Power, and so it is in a way, back and under the Will in such cases is to be found the ardent, burning Desire that is the motive force of the attractive power.
<b>Law of Attraction</b>: Tips and Tricks for Everyday Manifesting | The <b>Law</b> <b>...</b> Posted: 11 Apr 2014 07:19 AM PDT Broken down simply, all that is required of you to make the Law of Attraction work in your favour, is to know what you want, fuel this desire with as much positivity as possible and then 'allow' it to unfold (i.e. by getting out of ...* |
A Simple 2–Step Process to Get the <b>Law of Attraction</b> Working for <b>...</b> Posted: 24 Apr 2014 09:44 AM PDT Getting rid of my personal money blocks (or money "monsters," as I sometimes consider them) required 2 different strategies. One was working on my subconscious inner blocks. The second was learning to use the Law of Attraction correctly. Now, when I first encountered LOA, I did NOT use it correctly (and I'll talk about that in a future Life, Biz and the Pursuit of Happiness column, which you can find on my blog on Sundays) but today I'm going to talk about a simple 2-step process to start getting the Law of Attraction to work for you. .But first, a word of warning — do NOT be deceived by how simple this is. As humans, we tend to overcomplicate things when in reality, keeping things simple tends to serve us better. So take a deep breath, give it a try and see what magic starts to happen in your life and business! 1. Start looking around you for evidence of abundance – or money – or whatever you feel you're lacking in your life or business. (Note: I'm using abundance / money to make things simple here, but if you have something else that is lacking in your life, feel free to substitute that, instead.) The problem is, when we're experiencing a lack of something, we often start obsessing about it. And when we obsess, that's what ALL we think about, which means it becomes all we can see in our life. Additionally, telling yourself NOT to think about something is pointless — it's just going to make you think about it. (ie. Don't think about that elephant. Hey, remember I told you not to think about the elephant? Are you thinking about the elephant? Stop thinking about the elephant!) Instead, start actively looking for evidence of money in your life. Find a penny on the street? Take note! A client paid? Take note! Found a dollar in your jeans' pocket? Take note! And it doesn't just have to be money — any form of abundance works. Maybe a friend treated you to lunch, or your life partner brought you flowers. Or it can even be an abundance of prospective clients wanting to talk to you and find out more about your services. Get a journal and record 5 instances of money or abundance in your life every single day. Yes, look for 5 even if you don't think you have 5! This way you'll start to SEE the abundance you already have in your life instead of the lack thereof. 2. Be grateful for all the evidence of abundance in your life. Gratitude is probably the LOA's greatest friend! The more gratitude you feel, the more good things happen to you. So when you write down the 5 instances of abundance in your life, take a few moments and feel grateful for them. They're evidence of abundance. You may even want to say or write how grateful you are to have found the evidence. (And the exciting part is, when you start feeling grateful for this evidence, more evidence tends to show up!) If you want "bonus points," practice feeling grateful for everything in your life — the roof over your head, the food in the refrigerator, the clothes you're wearing. In fact, if you're struggling with the first one — finding evidence — start just by feeling grateful for what you already have. Many times that can open things up to attracting more abundance and money. Finally, be patient with yourself as you practice these 2 steps. If this is new to you, it can feel strange and unnatural, and maybe even a little silly. Do your best, keep doing it and it WILL get easier. |
Law #10: <b>Law of Attraction</b> | Speaking the Truth from Different <b>...</b> Posted: 24 Apr 2014 09:34 AM PDT Like attracts like. The Law of Attraction is well known as the law of "like attracts like." Let's review a little bit what is commonly known about this law. Author Rhonda Byrne first introduced this law in her book "The Secret" in 2006. In this book and others that followed it, the Law of Attraction is introduced as the law that can help anyone to make their wishes and dreams come true once people learn the secret of using this law. Based on the book "Secret," followers of this law believe that the Law of Attraction applies when people remain positive. According to Byrne's book, people are required to also feel excited about their wishes as if these wishes are already fulfilled. I think this is where people are mistaken about the Law of Attraction. According to the Law of Giving and Receiving, when we think negatively or positively in both cases we are giving energy, because we are thinking. When we make a wish and we keep thinking about the wish then we are not allowing ourselves to receive from the universe what we asked for. Thus, in order for the Law of Attraction to apply we must switch to receiving mode. For as long as we pay attention to our wish or try to feel excited about it, as some authors wrongly suggest, we are thinking and so we are giving not receiving. When we make a wish, this wish is nothing more than a happy, positive thought. Since it is a thought, some of the antimatter energy is already spent with this thought. If we would imagine each thought as a little swirl inside our magnetic sphere of the thinking dimension, then for as long as we think about this wish (positively or negatively it doesn't really matter), we are wasting more and more antimatter energy into this swirl/hole. The moment that we switch to receiving mode, we give ourselves the opportunity to fill this hole with new information. This new information comes as a surprise and when we least expect. We can conclude now that what some people believe, based on "The Secret" that by wishing harder will make things happen, is wrong. Their conclusion is wrong for two reasons: First, as we just mentioned above, according to the Law of Giving and Receiving, the wish will not come true until we switch to the receiving mode. Secondly, not every wish will come true, especially those wishes that go against the Law of Destiny. Therefore, the conclusion is that the key to attraction is to let go, to not think about the wish. The fulfillment of any wish or goal does not depend on how strongly we want the wish to come true, but on how easily we surrender to our destiny and switch to the receiving mode. In my other book "Secret Beyond the Secret. You Surrender, You Win" I explain it that after we release our wish we must switch to receiving mode by distracting ourselves from thinking about this wish. It is important to stay in a receiving mode; therefore, it is vital to keep ourselves busy but in a positive way by doing things that we love doing, like hobbies, socializing, connecting with nature, or working to increase certain talents we have. Comparing the Law of Attraction with the way water circulates in nature, we can say that when the Sun warms up the water by causing it to evaporate, these water molecules accumulated up in the clouds won't come back to Earth in a form of precipitation until they will stop receiving any more heat from the Sun. The same thing happens when we make a wish. Wishing is giving energy and the fulfillment of this wish is the receiving of this energy back. If we wish and then keep thinking constantly about that wish, it's like the Sun giving nonstop energy to the water. Too much heat will dry up the whole water, and a period of dryness will follow instead of rain. To make rain fall back on Earth, the Sun must stop giving energy for a while. In the same way, we should stop thinking about the wish. Let's see how we can compare the Law of Attraction with driving a car. Have you noticed that sometimes, when one thing goes wrong, everything else starts going wrong? Have you ever been in a situation where you got stuck in traffic, at the worse times when you were already late? Instead of speeding up to reach your appointment on time, you are slowed down even more. Have you noticed that at times when you worry and keep wishing for the traffic to clear up, it never actually works, while at other times when you surrender thinking "oh well, nothing I can do, I will be late this time" the traffic clears up and you actually make it on time? So try that again. Next time you are stuck in traffic make a wish and then forget about it. Just accept that you will be late and you'll have to explain yourself for being late. Let go of worries, and see what happens next. Keep yourself distracted with positive thinking about other good stuff in your life, or maybe listen to the radio or even daydream about other things that make you happy. Do something to change your mood and this will prevent your brain from thinking about the immediate problem. You will see how the outcome will in fact change in your favor and very quickly when you keep your mind away from your worries or wishes. To be continued… Book "Twelve Laws that Define You" can be purchased on my website:
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