Subconscious Mind Programming Review - Deliggit

<b>Subconscious Mind</b> Programming Review - Deliggit

<b>Subconscious Mind</b> Programming Review - Deliggit

Posted: 10 Apr 2014 11:19 AM PDT

Welcome to This site is designed to find out as much about Clickbank (what's that?) products as possible. Currently, it's the turn of Subconscious Mind Programming.

My task is to accumulate as much data on the product as possible, give you that data, and then analyse it personally. My overall goal is to help you determine whether or not you should purchase it. Let's get started…

Product Info

Here is the product info part of the review. I've obtained this data from the product's website and from a publicly available Cb data feed.

Product Stats

The following are some stats on the product. Again, I've compiled this data from the publicly available Clickbank feed.

Total EPS 25.05
Weighted Sales Rank (100 max) 72.54
Estimated refund rate for Super Subconscious Mind Power In 16 Weeks at $19 1.74%
Gravity 0.282103

Other data

More assorted data on Subconscious Mind Programming collected from Google and also the product's website.


Precisely what do the statistics reveal? Well, the most significant statistic for me personally is definitely the estimated refund rate. I obtain this from looking at the EPS figure, which would be 75% of the price, minus the Clickbank fee, if there were no refunds. If those don't match up then either

(a) refunds were requested
(b) the product owner has changed their prices
(c) the vendor is selling multiple products via the same CB account
(d) I've guessed the price wrongly above
Therefore, as you can see, it isn't really, regrettably, the most accurate of statistics. Here however, if it is accurate it is about averge, suggesting that the product is of a reasonably high quality.

A further statistic we can look at is called the Gravity. This gives us an idea of the number of affiliates that have been selling the product (don't know what an affiliate is? See here). Products with considerable amounts of gravity are very popular ones, but that does not necessarily mean they're high quality. Similarly, low gravity products, may very well be excellent but just haven't got the popularity yet. For this particular product the gravity of 0.282103 is standard.

Subconscious Mind Programming Purchase Bonus

As I stated on our about us post, payment for every single product analysed on this website is processed by Clickbank. Because of this if click through to the seller via a hyperlink on this page and then wind up buying, we are paid. In exchange, we'd like to offer you a Subconscious Mind Programming bonus

Your reviews

I'm just a computer programmer and my reviewing skills are a little limited. What I really want is your help! If you have any ideas or experience related to this product, be sure to let me know below.

The <b>Power</b> of <b>Subconscious</b> Learning: Transform Your Thoughts <b>...</b>

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 05:59 AM PDT

images-823Findings show that thoughts are powerful activators of life transforming inner processes. They activate neurochemical signals that accordingly generate emotions and actions, learning and change, to include the formation of behavioral patterns or habits.

Subconscious learning in itself is a powerful and efficient built-in capacity. When what we learn is aligned by chance to our goals and highest interests for personal and relational health and well being, it can support us to grow in positive directions and to realize amazing and creative outcomes and passions. What if it doesn't however? Limiting beliefs or toxic thinking patterns can harm our health, keep us stuck in life-draining addictive behavior patterns, and at best place limits on our happiness.

Even in the best of circumstances, we pick up limiting belief wiring in the formative years of childhood. At this time they were useful. They serve to protect us at a time in our lives when we are most vulnerable emotionally, and thus also physically. The same belief systems that defend and ensure our survival in childhood, however, later in life become obstacles to our growth and realization of our fullest potential to find meaning, and create a joy filled life.

Unless transformed or rewired to tell a different more empowering story of your life, these beliefs produce a toxic stream of thoughts that subconscious keep us stuck going in the same direction.

To your brain and body, to grow means to change. And to change in positive directions means to learn and grow from within. To truly influence "change" in others and life around you, your greatest source of power as a human being always lies in what you have most control of, and that always means you, for example, being aware of what thoughts, beliefs may be blocking you at any moment (from influencing change around you).

We are conditioned to think too highly of our ability (power) to change others (mostly illusion), and sit passively on what is the real miracle-making power to change self from within.

Several actions are necessary to transform thoughts and limiting beliefs, however, the most important has to do with what you choose to believe about your self in relation to life around you.

More specifically, do you overall perceive (think and feel) yourself as an active choice maker or agent, a conscious creator of past and present outcomes in your life (yes… acts of Nature are exceptions) — or do you overall perceive outcomes to be a result of what others or life has brought your way?  These states of mind are also known respectively as being "at cause" versus "at effect."

Regardless your decision, each produces a feeling state of mind and body that accordingly has the power to shape the direction of your life.

Whereas the latter leaves you feeling you're passively watching your life on a movie screen, in the former, you are in the movie taking the reins of your life, with set intentions of what the story is about in the theater of your mind: your imagination.

A person is either in a place of protection or a place of growth. For healing to take place, you need to make a conscious choice, at any given moment, to step into a place of growth and learning. 

When you are in position to make any transformations you want, you will succeed. It is not a one time choice, however.

The reason you succeed is because your intention is, at minimum, to keep choosing to do the following along the way:

  • To feel fully responsible for your own results.
  • To be "at cause" and present during the healing process.
  • To seek to connect with your inner sources of strength and wisdom.
  • To breathe, and remain aware of staying grounded and centered deep in your body.
  • To want to live life with your brain and body in growth and learning mode.
  • To face any fear of change or getting out of old comfort zones courageously.

When you are "at cause," you see your choices are in your hands (personal power) and, at any given moment, you choose to fully participate in your life, and stay connected to your mind and body, so that your brain and body are in growth and learning mode, in position to make any transformations you want (rather than hang around waiting for this or that person or situation to change…which puts one in stuck thinking and protective).

When you are in growth and learning mode, you become who you are capable of becoming, alive, vibrant, fulfilled, healed, mind, body and spirit.

You are the one you heals yourself. Be at cause and in growth. The choice is between thinking of yourself as either "at cause" or "at effect." What does it mean to be at cause? It is a place of power in which we choose to take responsibility for everything that happens to us in our lives and universe. It is the experience of moving forward from a place of strength while being in growth.  What does it mean to be at effect? When we choose to be at the effect of things, we describe ourselves as a victim of events and others. This is a place of protection while we work at maintaining what we already have. This is a place of stagnation, standing still, paralyzed by fear.

The other key element of healing is breath. In the theater of the mind, you center and ground your mind and body through breath, and the power of your awareness of your senses, emotions, thoughts, options, and so on, help you more easily remain oriented toward optimal health and wholeness.

Breathing is the only method known to affect the automatic nervous system permanently through the experience of quantum energy transformation.

1. Stop, breathe, think—keeping your attention on your breath…giving thanks to your Source, a loving breath.

2. Breathe deep and long breaths…into the base of your spine.

3. Allow your body to open, relax, soften.

4. Follow the impulses, movement in the body…allow.

5. Tell the truth…as it's real for you…allow all thoughts and feelings…welcome all energies…they come up so they can be transformed:

  • What are you telling yourself?
    • Release judgments
    • "See" their "value" (good intentions)
  • What feelings are you experiencing?
    • Invite them to come up, feel them in your body…
  • Where in your body do you experience the feelings?
    • Trust your body…your mind-body always tells you the truth
    • The molecules of emotion are not confined to brain, but in every cell of body.
  • What unmet need is connected to the feeling?


The thoughts you think in your conscious mind, especially when receptive, becomes integrated subconsciously. They form subconscious learning. What you "create" in your mind (chose to believe) about the past in the present is more useful and helpful than knowing the details of what happened.

To grow in positive directions (or negative) means to want to change from within. Your main source of power to influence change around you just may be the one you least access — inside — the power of your choice to change your thoughts or thinking about your self, others, your life. 

(All the doctors and experts in the world can do little for someone who is not invested in own growth, does not want to change, meaning their energy is devoted to telling the same life story.)

These feeling states are a powerful language inside. They consist of electrochemical molecules of emotion that accordingly produce actual structural changes inside your body — and behaviors without.

Transform your thoughts and beliefs about your past (and, or future) in present moments…and you will more easily and naturally transform your life. The determining factor is a choice between relating to your life at cause or effect.


    Last reviewed: 10 Apr 2014

APA Reference
Staik, A. (2014). The Power of Subconscious Learning: Transform Your Thoughts, Transform Your Life. Psych Central. Retrieved on April 11, 2014, from


<b>POWER</b> OF MEMORY – A <b>MIND</b> GAME | Inner Thoughts

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 09:49 AM PDT



Our conscious self records messages
On its slate so assiduously kept clean by us
Its recall wholly depends
On the firmness of imprints of the messages
Depending entirely upon time and need when it arises
When deeply delving into ourselves
And come out with answers to our problems.


Some memories are sweeter than the words it contains
Others are sweeter than the sweets in the market places
These messages ignite our inner conscience the most
Recollecting it brightens our day like a star on the horizon.


Other recollections are bitter like bitter pills we don't want swallow
Rather than making us healthy make us shallow
Like cruel incidents thee want forgetting
Yet surfaces time and again without any warning.


Thence sub conscious is the power house of information
It is unique in its manifestation
Working free of any limitation
It is most active at night when we're in sleep mode
Contains beliefs based on present and past karma that we rode.


Thereafter comes the super conscious state
Here at its peak is the power of intuition
When we shut from our own individual'self' to its completion
And reach at the super-conscious state of realization
By acquiring inner richness by one pointed meditation

Imagination is the weapon traveling at breakneck speed
It can cut across any barriers which is a dire need
In shortest span of time ever known to anybody.




Memory is like a seed first storing information then remembering or recalling or recollecting or repeating a particular event when one has planted it in the conscious self once. It is just like depositing cash in our account and withdrawing the same while we require it. Here it would be relevant to understand what is conscious self. To be aware of conscious means aware of ourselves – in our action and appearance. It could be construed as being aware of one's existence

Memory is a unique phenomenon in all the living beings – including plants and animals. Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose proved with experiments that plants could feel, learn and remember with distinct clarity. More recent incisive studies have made it abundantly clear that the plants can recall and store biological data! No surprise, since our Creator is never biased against any of his creations. Seems farfetched but it is true.

The faculty of memory is exclusive to humans because of the power of differentiation. Humans can relive and recall the event at any time they want and have the control to either forget or keep a thing at the back-burner of their memory if the same is not as per their liking or at a time when it is harmful to remember/recall.

The seed of memory germinates and becomes a healthy plant and gives us fruit every time we feel like to take! Our subconscious mind is active not only in the day time but also during sleep, such is the grace of our Creator. Its memory is really awesome.

To understand memory, it is necessary to understand the following:-

• Consciousness Mind. What we perceive presently is in our conscious mind. It is awareness at the present moment. Conscious mind is always on the move from one thought percept to another. The experiences of the conscious state or wakeful state becomes prominent in this state. It is never stable. In this state of movability, some thoughts are registered on the slate of the mind and others forgotten. Our conscious mind has limitations of its own. It is a state of mind by which we cannot communicate with our soul. The need is to discipline and control our conscious self so that it works in sync time and situation. For this to happen, we have to contemplate and introspect so that it works for our total awakening and could conveniently retain information which are required. Some outside and some inside mental functions too influence our awareness. For instance we are aware of the environment we are living and the conditions in which we are living. These images influence our present i.e. our conscious mind and thus our memory or lack of it.

• Sub-conscious State of mind. This state of mind is unique simply because it is mystical in nature and enmeshed with the past memories, beliefs, mood changes, attachments and various karmas that we transact or have transacted in the past and the affect of which we are experiencing. It gets total activation in sleep mode. In sub-conscious state our attitude just changes and are granted freedom from the limitations that our conscious self imposes on us.

• It is a paradox that we are not aware of the working of subconscious mind – power house of information. This could be conveniently used for achieving success, for its hidden strength. It could transform our life. By whole heartedly affirming to us that there is a partner who could be a means of our success. Think of this as memory recall. This is you are swimming or cycling without consciously thinking about it all. We can bring subconscious information with some recall/recollection without much difficulty.

• Thus becoming conscious of our subconscious and going beyond the idea that there is some abstract concept is important. Information from subconscious mind to the conscious mind could be brought about very easily.

• Conscious State/Super-conscious State of mind. It is the state when intuition is at its peak. It is a state of soul's power of knowing. This is a state of mind which is trained to foresee anything that may transpire. For this to happen, a spiritual seeker must centre his/her mind on our Creator and His commandments. For this we have to care for others rather than our own self. We can realize it through meditation and by going deeper in us. Human consciousness could be expanded to super consciousness when we shut to our 'self' and live for others through self-sacrifice and expand our inner being. Our love should be for all others. If it is impersonal it expands and with it expands our horizon. A man with cosmic consciousness just remembers everything that comes.

• In this state we feel super-conscious realization "I am infinite, I am a part of everything." A spiritual seeker should keep his mind and body centred in Him and not allow his thoughts wander.

• Imagination and memory. Imagination are the memories of 'mind-eye'. These are the images which are formed through sensation and are not perceived through our five senses. Imagination could help us in solving problems through imagining or image forming and then comparing with the real world. Or an event which just comes to mind without warning depending on the situation and time. Here sense of perception plays a prominent role. This could be called as constructed images by the perceptive mind and then made practical by our experiences. All these enhance our memory.

Paradoxes of Memory.

Forgetting things. Our conscious mind is confined – has limitations of its own. It is prone to pitfalls of forgetting due to one reason to another. Need is to train it for its retentively.

Forgetting and Forgiving Inappropriate Incidents. At times, we are constraint to forget an incident. For example, I am wronged by somebody and that memory remains, it will do an irreparable damage. It is not only for individual who forgets and forgives but also for those for whom the same is directed.

Deaths or Deception by our Dear Ones.Then there are incidences like death of our love ones or an incident which needs to be better forgotten for their ill-effects, it is better to forget those and keeping moving in our life.
Unconscious mind. Some of the primitive instinctual information perceived to be just forgotten just surfaces become subconscious and subsequently could be brought to our conscious mind with genuine effort put in by ourselves. As some remotely connected happening of the childhood is remembered as we are not having easy access to the information stored in the unconscious mind etc. For this to happen, some strong and important trigger is required for this purpose. These are the unconscious forces; beliefs, patterns etc. which drive our behaviours.

Divine Consciousness. Divine consciousness could be cultivated through persistent meditation. Then we would be able to lead a natural life which is in harmony with God. God's superior attention gives us the gift of remembering Him together with enhanced Advanced yogi can perceive all the happening of all beings by interior union with GOD. Our soul's intuitive power is the power given to us by our Lord. We are the prisoners of our own five senses. But a person who is God connected is having sixth sense – the power of soul realization by soul. Our awareness expands with the amount of concentration we put. That information which you did not inferential data about.

Intuition: Soul intuition is a faculty of God. We generally rely upon our senses for the information we require at any time. This exclusive power does not depend on the data of information that we cramp in our memory system. It could be called the preemptive. We start improving ourselves when we come to know our true self. That we are not mere this solid body but are the divine eternal current of life.

We should widen the scope of our mind by spiritually awakening it and then our life becomes separate. Our identification with our body stops.

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